Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brent Everett Y Brent Corrigan Online

publications around Shakespeare in December 2010

much going on at the Shakespeare front. Only TibiaPress announces again the appearance of Shakespeare-kind comics by Nick Groom on to German. But the publisher is doing now since August 2010. So says this amazon.de. I have therefore sought from publisher-friendly times, what is going on with the regular shifting of the publication date on itself, and whether in fact there is some chance the comic for Shakespeare fans can still plan a Christmas present. If (or when) I get an answer, I'll give it here.

Volkswagen Dune Buggies For Sale In Alberta

cat books in December 2010

major offensive of the Insel publishing house. No courage for new titles for various publishers over the licenses and older cat books again made available. So Peter Rühmkorf Cat Tale "See you in Kenilworth," which originally appeared as Fischer-Taschenbuch times and was then taken over by Schöffling. Or Eva Demskis cat book with illustrations by Tomi Unger, has found its way on the Frankfurt publishing house and Heyne now to island. Even the big cats Encyclopedia of Detlef Bluhm, the third island-Release for Cats fans in December 2010, had Schöffling a few years already in the program. All three titles certainly worth reading, so here again briefly.

Rühmkorf Peter: See you in Kenilworth

A cat tale

Title: See you in Kenilworth: A Cat Tale / Peter Rühmkorf
Author: Rühmkorf, Peter
issue: 1
Edition Publisher: Berlin: Insel Verlag
Release Date: 7 December 2010
size / format: 160 p. total
Title: Island-pocket books, 3655
ISBN: 978-3-458-35355-3
order number (s): 35 355
EAN: 9783458353553 Binding
/ Price: PB. : EUR 7.00

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Sample the Schöffling Publisher

Whether there are ghosts in England? But still! The bailiff of Kenilworth Jam McDamn makes any event no leadership, without referring to the closed one's mind. Whether his cat Minnie also believes in ghosts, is uncertain, cats give little is known about themselves. And indeed: Challenged by McDamn snatched the specter of nickel Kenilworth on to one last devastating magic and turns into a cat McDamn, who now ekes out his life in Italy, in contrast, Minnie the cat in an amber-blond girl India ...

»Rühmkorf fairy tales are full of anarchic storytelling skill and poetry, filled with floating rates, racing adventure and cheeky disenchantment. read Rühmkorf is an aesthetic Enjoyment, an intelligent seduction and a reminder that language can be a wonderful instrument "(Gabriele von Arnim, Die Welt)

Eva Demski. Cat book

Title: Cat Book: With illustrations by Tomi Ungerer / Eva Demski
ill. Tomi Ungerer
author: Demski, Eva; Ungerer, Tomi [Ill.]
issue: 1
ed Publisher: Berlin: Insel Verlag
Release Date: 7 December 2010
size / Format: 93 p.
Series title: Island-pocket books, 3654
ISBN: 978-3-458-35354-6
order number (s): 35 354
EAN: 9783458353546
Binding / Price: PB. : EUR 6.00

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"The cat knows its role in the human world very well: it makes the loneliness bearable, they can forgive us and teach us so much: not as a set of children, not as . friend replacement, just as a cat, "Eva Demskis cat stories show the cat as it is: cunning, alert, hungry, affectionate, intelligent and always on guard. The specially drawn to this book are the cats' elegant, well-dressed society "from the way it can be only one: Tomi Ungerer.

Detlef Bluhm: The Great Cat Encyclopedia

Title: The Great Cat Encyclopedia / Detlef Bluhm
Author: Bluhm, Detlef
issue: 1 Edition, published under license
Publisher: Berlin: Insel Verlag
Release Date: 7 December 2010
Series title: Island-pocket books, 3653
ISBN: 978-3-458-35353-9
order number (s): 35 353
EAN: 9783458353539 Binding
/ Price: PB. : EUR 14.00

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Brief Excerpt the Schöffling Publisher

The ideal book for anyone who loves cats and wants to know everything and a little more about them

"Lie down comfortably on your cat on the sofa and relax! For perhaps is The Great Cat Encyclopedia the first reference book that you read from A to Z. After 350 pages of reading, with fascinating photographs and drawings, know cat lovers what they suspected all along: No cats the world would be a different and poorer "(Ingrid Backes, German wave)

The Great Cat Encyclopedia features more than 300 keywords. and ten major key terms, such as the first story of the cat in the comic. Numerous figures illustrate this rare treasure trove feline knowledge, in the (almost) ready to buy the whole world of cat is. Detlef Bluhm has written a far superior, the date, exciting and witty narrated Encyclopedia, lurking in the on each side, even for the connoisseur of surprises and new insights.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Audition For First Time Auditions

Mystery World Leaderboard December 2010

24/11/2010. Ereicht me an e-mail from the cultural section of the "world" in which they tell me that the features section of their newspaper is totally rebuilt. As part of this would be the "Mystery World Best List" not more of them printed, and consequently no longer sent in advance as a pdf, as they have done so far. Great irritation. Promptly followed four hours later a second e-mail in which the editors apologize for the confusion: Of course it would still be the best list, containing only now without the participation of "world". You could, for example, but by the Arte homepage be downloaded. Relief on my part. I was always been that the Mystery World leaderboard a very useful guide through the jungle was the monthly publications and is. Here's the list for December 2010 - just in time to be consulted for the Christmas shopping. Your loved ones will enjoy about it:

1 (-) John le Carré

: traitors as we

Title: traitors like us: a novel / John le Carre. From the English by Sabine Roth
Author: Le Carre, John Roth, Sabine [Translator]
Publisher: Berlin: Ullstein
Release Date: 27 October 2010
Pages / format: 413 p., 22 cm
Uniform Title: Our kind of traitor \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-550-08833-9
EAN: 9783550088339 Binding
/ Price: PP: EUR 24.95
Tags: Antigua \u0026lt;Insel>; Russians, mafia, money laundering, \u0026lt;Kriminologie> education; fiction book illustration

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Sample on vorablesen.de

Antigua / London / Paris / Switzerland: Dima is the soul of the Russian mafia. Since his time as a prisoner in the gulag, he worked his way up to their head. His specialty: the money-laundering. But his days are numbered. He has powerful enemies among the companions. In order to ensure the survival of his family, he enters into a pact with the West. He offers his knowledge in exchange for a life in England. A sensation for the British secret service who agrees. But the agents encounter a threatening resistance. The long arm of the Mafia and reaches far into the West. How long will Dima his Russian friends can deceive? Traitors as we are a passionate novel about the corruptibility of the West and on the fragility of democracy.

The novel traitors as we is also available as an audiobook :

5 Audio CDs
Read by John Steck
Abridged reading
Publisher: Hörbuch Hamburg
Release Date: October 2010
ISBN-10: 3899031946
ISBN-13: 978-3899031942
Product Dimensions: From 16 Years

2 (1)

Don Winslow: Day of the Dead

Title: Day of the Dead: Crime Fiction / Don Winslow
from the American. Chris Shepherd
Author: Winslow, Don, Shepherd, Chris [Translator]
edition: Dt. Erstausg.
Publisher: Berlin: Suhrkamp
Release Date: 20 September 2010
Pages / format: 689 p., 21 cm total
Title: Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch, 4200
Original title: The power of the dog \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-518-46200-3
Code: 46 200
Binding / Price: pb. : EUR 14.95
Tags: Mexico, drug crime, mafia, history from 1984 to 2004; fiction book illustration

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Sample on amazon.de

USA / Mexico / Central America: With great zest, the U.S. drug agent Art Keller has made it to penetrate into the structures of the Mexican drug mafia - with success. So much success that the drug depots fly up in rows and Narcotraficantes hunting open to him. After his colleague was tortured by the gangsters to death, vows revenge and start a kind of cellar merciless, bloody campaign against the drug barons. Too late he realizes that he is thus making new enemies - and who sit in Washington. What became known as "Iran-Contra affair in the story, Keller witnessed a gigantic drug, money laundering and arms business. Faced with the choice to serve his government, or to follow his conscience, he meets a lonely decision - and comes across unexpected allies.

"The book of the decade." Lee Child

"An epic like The Godfather." Andrew Vachss

"From the first set of heart-wrenching, I was addicted to this book." Ken Bruen

"Winslow is really fantastic," James Ellroy

3 (3)

David Peace. Tokyo, occupied city

Title: Tokyo, occupied city: a novel / David
Peace From the MANUAL Peter Torberg
Author: Peace, David; Torberg, Peter [Translator]
Publisher: London: Liebeskind
Release Date: 23 August 2010
Pages / format: 350 p., 22 cm
title: Occupied city \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-935890-74-8
Binding / Price: PP: EUR 22.00
Tags: Tokyo; occupation; poisoning; \u0026lt;Kriminologie> education, history, 1948; fiction book illustration

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Extract the love child Verlag

Tokyo 1948: sets by David Peace. In the second volume of his award-winning Tokyo trilogy, he can tell twelve people from a mysterious poisoning. Each, in their view, each with their own money to the truth. For no one can escape the dark shadows of the past.

Tokyo, 1948: In the ruins of war-torn city begins to rebuild, but it still prevail corruption and violence. People fighting for survival, guilt-ridden and humiliated by the American occupation force.

On a cold day in January, a man enters a branch of the Teikoku Bank in the quarter Shiinamachi. He identifies himself as a medical officer and deputy branch manager explained that there had been in the neighborhood of a case of dysentery and he was recruited by the Ministry of Health to vaccinate all people. The sixteen present bank employees to follow his instructions and drink the fluid administered. Twelve of them died immediately, while the other four become unconscious. The man robbed only a portion of the money stock and disappears without a trace. It begins the greatest manhunt in the history of Japan.

4 (-) Åke Edwardson

: Last winter

Title: The Last Winter: Detective novel / Åke Edwardson
from the Swedes. Angelika Kutsch
Author: Edwardson, Åke; Kutsch, Angelika [Translator]
Publisher: Berlin: Ullstein
Release Date: 27 October 2010
Pages / format: 510 p., 22 cm
uniform title: Den sista vinter \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-550-08713-4

3-550-08713-6 EAN: 9783550087134
Binding / Price: PP: EUR 19.95

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Gothenburg / Nueva Andalucia: A cold December day. deeply engaged in playing Erik Winters daughter on the beach. Suddenly a dead man floating in water. For days torturing the little Elsa nightmares. On Christmas Eve, Erik Winter receives a DVD of him with the killer announces another murder. Winter helplessly watch as the evil invades his life.

nightmares, mysteries. Winter and his people: confused, spun, dazed, and fixed. References into the past, explanations explain nothing. Very strong. Edwardson at the height of his art.

This book is the 10th Volume in the series "An Erik Winter Crime".

The novel Last winter is also available as audiobook :

4 Audio CDs
Read by Ulrike Grote and Hannes Hellmann

Publisher: Hörbuch Hamburg
Release Date: October 2010
language: German
ISBN -10: 3899030834
ISBN-13: 978-3899030839
Manufacturer recommended age: 16 years

audition at Hörbuch Hamburg

5 (2)

Zoran Drvenkar: DU

Title: You: A Novel / Zoran Drvenkar
Author: Drvenkar, Zoran
Publisher: Berlin: Ullstein
Release Date: 29 September 2010
Pages / format: 574 p., 22 cm
ISBN: 978-3-550-08773-8
Binding / Price: PP: EUR 19.95

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Sample on vorablesen.de

Berlin / Norway: Take a man who travels through Germany and knows no mercy. Wherever he goes, no one remains alive. Call him Passengers , make him a legend and fear him.

Take five friends, who only open the door to chaos and then take to flight. Rated it The sweet sluts and avoid them.

Take a father who is pursued by his past and at nothing to achieve his goal. And now imagine that he wants to stop the five friends. At any price. Call him The Logist and avoid him.

They all move towards each other, they are full of vengeance and have no idea that you watch them.

The novel "Du" is by Zoran Drvenkar as audiobook available:

6 CDs abridged reading
Read by Matthias Brandt
Publisher: Hörbuch Hamburg
Release Date: October 2010
ISBN-10: 3899031814
ISBN-13: 978-3899031812

6 (-) As long as

Fasquelle: Trio infernal

Title: Trio Infernal: a novel / As long as Fasquelle
from the French by Irene Kuhn and Ralf Stamm
author: Fasquelle, Solange; Kuhn, Irene [Translator]
issue: 1 Ed
Publisher: Dusseldorf: Lilienfeld-Verlag
Release Date: 20 October 2010
Pages / format: 191 p., 21 cm
Uniform Title: Le trio infernal \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-940357-20-5
EAN: 9783940357205 Binding
/ Price: PP: EUR 19.90
Tags: Marseille, murderer, serial offenders, chemical burn, history, 1925; fiction representation

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Sample the Lilienfeld Verlag

Marseille, the mid-20s: The 1st World War is over. Lawyer Georges Sarret operates insurance fraud on a large scale by his accomplices, the German sisters Philomène Catherine Schmidt and older, not quite healthy men married and squandered by the friendly demise of their husbands with them that it is paid life insurance. Without foreign workers, they will not come off, but the cool end of the plan Sarret is determined to keep the corresponding low risk, cost what it may. After a true crime case as long as in Fasquelle novel at an alarming pace in essence became bloody unpleasant soups and sulfuric acid from the lascivious rogue trio "Trio Infernal".

Fasquelle historical novel was filmed in 1974 with Michel Piccoli and Romy Schneider. A piece of film history, a proverbial song, true crime and a crime until now never translated success: Trio Infernal. Historical Parfait, served with a pointed finger.

7 (9)

Oliver Bottini: The Hidden Power

Title: The Hidden Power: Crime Fiction / Oliver Bottini
Author: Bottini, Oliver
issue: 1 Ed
Publisher: Frankfurt, M.: joke
Release Date: 1 October 2010
Pages / format: 316 p., 19 cm
ISBN: 978-3-502-11055-2
Binding / Price: PP: EUR 14.95
Tags: Freiburg , police detective; education ; intelligence; fiction illustration

Paper watch amazon.de

Berlin: A man is beaten, the offender escapes undetected. CID Main Commissioner Louise bonuses determined, because a trail leads to Freiburg. A disturbing case: The culprit seems to be a pro, the victim is a secret spy, the only witness knows more than she says, and operates in the background of the constitutional protection, but refuse cooperation. Time and again Louise is thwarted bonuses but when they would be impressed like this ever? She feels that the power to contract more closely. But until she discovers the truth, it is in one respect too late.

Oliver Bottini, winner of the German Crime Prize, created in his fifth novel with a fascinating bonuses Commissioner Louise-threatening atmosphere of tension that can not escape.

8 (-)

Joe R. Lansdale: clearcutting

Title: deforestation / Joe R. Lansdale
from English by Katrin Mrugalla
Author: Lansdale, Joe R.; Mrugalla, Katrin
Publisher: Berlin : Golkonda
Release Date: 2010
Pages / format (?): PB, 368 p.
ISBN-10: 3942396017
ISBN-13: 978-3942396011
Binding / Price: Pb. EUR 16,90

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Sample at Golkonda Publisher

East Texas in the 30s: At Camp Rapture, the sawmill of the Jones family is the largest employer. Pete, the only son of the family and the tiny town of Constable, beat and raped his wife regularly Sunset, to shoot him this one day in self-defense.
All Camp Rapture is turned upside down as Pete's mother is reflected not only Sunsets side, but also ensures that her daughter is the new Constable of the town. As this toad would not be hard enough to swallow, Sunset takes up her new duties also extremely serious. Their investigation of a mysterious double murder, she rips into a dangerous vortex of greed, corruption and brutal violence.

9 (-) Håkan Nesser

: The Prospects of the gardener

Title: The Prospects of the gardener: a novel / Håkan Nesser
from the Swedes. Christel Hildebrandt
Author: Nesser, Håkan; Hildebrandt, Christel [Translator]
issue: 1 Ed
Publisher: München: btb
Release Date: 23 August 2010
Pages / format: 316 S.: Kt , 22 cm
Uniform Title: Maskarna på Carmine Street \u0026lt;dt.>
ISBN: 978-3-442-75173-0
EAN: 9783442751730 Binding
/ Price: PP: See EUR 19.99

book at amazon.de

Sample on randomhouse.de

New York: Where is Sara? Fourteen months ago, that Erik and Winnie Steinbeck's four year old daughter has disappeared. Playing addressed by a stranger on the street, carried in a large, dark car. That's all you know. After that loses track. No ransom note, no mention of possible Perpetrators. It is not the first blow for Winnie - was her first husband with their daughter died in an accident.

order to gain distance, Winnie Erik suggests, therefore, to move to the U.S.. The two settle in New York. And at first this seems a brilliant idea. Winnie begins to paint again, Erik walks every day in a public library to write there.

Soon, however, tilts the situation. Strange things happen. Winnie claimed to know that Sara is still alive. She paints a picture that accurately reflects the situation of the abduction, everything is played exactly photo - except the man's face. Erik is worried. By chance he discovers that his wife is secretly out of the house when he is gone. The fact that they usually obscure acquaintances. She denies it. And then he finds out that Winnie did not tell him the truth about her past ...

The novel The Prospects of the gardener is also available as audiobook :

4 audio CDs, running time: Spoken about 280 minutes
Abridged reading
Dietmar Bär
Publisher: Random House Audio
Release Date : 23 August 2010
language: German
ISBN-10: 3837103943
ISBN-13: 978-3837103946

10 (5)

Henry Stone: Batman Beauty

title: Batman Beauty: Cheng's Last Case / David Stone
Author: Stone, Henry
Edition: Original-Ausg.
Publishers: Munich, Zurich: Piper
Release Date: September 2010
Pages / format: 269 p., 19 cm total
Title: Piper, 5764
ISBN: 978-3-492-25764-0

book See here for. de

Sample at Piper Verlag

Vienna: Crime and literary Angelic appearance, the apotheosis of a cancer called Batman and - for now - the last event of armed Chinese detective Cheng from Vienna.

private investigator Mark Cheng has privatized happy. He now lives with his wife and stepdaughter happy. But as he yields to the wish of little Lena for a pet - we agree on crabs - the problems start. Because with the breeding set LBs is not enough. Soon, though larvae batting through the water, and at some point there are also small crustaceans. But after a few weeks, all are dead - up to a baptized, the Cheng Batman. The amazing longevity Batman is based on a crime. When Cheng recognizes that, it's almost too late. The

Novel 'Batman Beauty' by Henry Stone is also available as audiobook :

4 CDs, abridged reading
Speaker: Dietmar Mues
Publisher: Osterwoldaudio
Release Date: August 2010
ISBN-10: 3869520574
ISBN-13 : 978-3869520575

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Como Meter Cheats Gpsphone

Advent and Christmas decoration in the garden in winter

I wish you all morning for a nice and cozy first Advent. Outside there is now a little Christmas decoration emerged yesterday it snowed all day, so now it looks beautiful too wintry. A few pictures of my little room even spell it, here you can find me at the moment the most. But today I have to place in the magical kitchen and gallery.

My Christmas decorated windows, the snow came overnight ordered as well at that.

In this basket Wind light the candles well protected.
Even a bird house and a birdie found their place in the window.
Here again one, as it was already dark picture, because the lights are of course much nicer.
Also on my "Planting Table", it has become Christmas.
The magic little room there is just much to do, but I've made it comfortably with many candle. Through the glittering pendant sparkles all room, and I also in the evening.
Here is a small view from this morning out the front door.

're still pretty busy now and bake some tinkering and decorated hard-working, best regards Melontha

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Older Women In Slips And Girdles

Blümli Garden

out not only on my blog, it has become wintry. It was snowing and it's cold, there are now slowly the pre-Christmas Feelings. A little Christmas decoration is finally created, but by the weekend, more needs to be tinkered and baked.

angels in ivy wreath and a drawer filled with Christmas balls

My last flea Fund, an ancient clock
A Hirschlein on the bed of moss
A bowl filled with water and snow, in the middle between the lights floats my last rose and Christmas rose. has
An angel princess has made it comfortable on the edge
Below sits my little rose angel between glass beads and candle jars

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where Should I Put My Baby Footprint Tattoo

Frau Holle has ever shaken a bed

So fast it can and so capricious is the weather. A few days ago it was still 20 degrees and my flowers shining in the sun, a day later only 1 degree and all had a Schneemützchen on.
As for now everything looks kind of funny flowers together. The hellebores already show their beautiful white flowers, but at the same looks out a Primelchen. The geraniums look like in the summer and the good men will not simply resign. In the pots should move in the autumn for a long time, I do not have it but they managed to throw away. The sweet peas and roses give up only when the temperatures drop below zero.

Since it was still warm on Sunday and it was thought in a dream not of snow
A really nice autumn
where the pansies in beautiful color lit
A day later, then gabs the Schneehäubchen, it looks quite pretty, but as an extreme change must now be.
all rosy yet, you only the very faithful men good note in the window.
But even here there was a charge on it snow.
A frozen Rösschen
and an ice-cold vetch flower
How much is currently very erfeut with many buds and flowers occupied Christ rose.
The soil is rich in lime, which you seem to like it.
A Christmas rose from inside
A little early, but the sun has enticed out the primrose already.

The snow has melted by now, but I think it will not last long, then winter will come. I wish you a stress free, relaxing weekend Melontha