As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I come in contact daily with people who are interested in energy healing, but a little skeptical of the case allow. After initial experiments varied word explanations, I was recently reading a very interesting book out the answer in mind. The said book was written by Lynne McTaggart and is called The Zero Point Field: In Search of cosmic Ur-Energy
The answer to When asked why so many people for their healing energy but are still interested skeptical about is the following.
Since 17 Century, our world view is based and the traditional science and medicine influential on three claims:
first Isaac Newton said that he had clarified his statement, the model answer to the question of the structure of the universe, and all. In his view, the universe consists of nothing but different Masses that move calculated according to clearly defined laws of physics in space. The human body was therefore also from different parts of an existing "machine" view, which works with the same regularity. The spirit and the soul was left completely out of the game.
second René Descartes supported Newton's world view and said that the body is one of the soul separate and independent ground. Mental aspects, according to Descartes have no effect on the body. The man himself was set to speak as a spectator in the universe and, according to Descartes and Newton, the laws of the universe exposed powerless.
third Charles Darwin formed with the observation of the animal world his theory of evolution and the motto "only the stronger survives. He was much like the other two men to popular opinion in the case that the universe consists of nothing but separate objects and people, which in turn consist of solid particles.
Since 17 Century has passed some time and scientists have gained new insights. In particular, quantum physics, but also the quantum biology, and mathematics has carefully considered the question of the structure of the universe busy. While the search is still not completed, but what is certain 100% that both Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes (and eventually Charles Darwin) were wrong and their adoption is wrong.
Newton's physics while still justified when it comes to the description of masses, movements, physiological and anatomical processes, but the question of why the body is sick, he heals, why some people in spite of adverse conditions are healthy and others can not, etc. can not be explained by this. The assumption that the universe consists entirely separate masses is wrong, just as quantum physicists could find until now no solid particles as the basic substance of the body or universe. What is certain however is that the entire universe of vibrating energy or energy packet is. This also applies to our bodies.
The assumption that no connection between the body and the soul is given, as it proclaimed Descartes has also been found to be false. Today we know that the body is actually a mirror of the soul, and that the emotional constitutions including thoughts and emotions have an enormous impact on the body. In other words, there is between the individual energy packets, or "The basic substance of the universe," a proven connection.
Academic studies show that we can perceive with our senses, just about 2% of the total energy (reality) of the universe. The remaining 98% is not included on the sensory function of the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin. In other words, we live in a universe of infinite dimensions and ways in which Darwin's theory of evolution turns out to be very limited. Although the individual may actually see because of his beliefs is a universe of defect, but that has nothing to do with a universally-applicable Evolutionary trend, but is a reflection of personal opinion, which of course in addition to the body affects all other aspects of life.
But these three false explanations have to do with energy healing?
still based traditional science and medicine, their approaches and explanations to this false world views. The body is still treated as a separate machine from the soul. Defective parts are removed or replaced and fights with medication. The fact that the body is not different masses, such as bones, muscles, organs and skin, but energy (parcel) is given little credence and attention.
millions of francs and euros to be spent and researchers representing their latest scientific findings in public, threatening to preserve Newton and Descartes' world view. The Keep, which leads giant exercise as the pharmaceutical industry and the media finally to the fact that the masses are still misinformed. The embossing is deep in our cells, so that gives us to understand our mind that it is hardly possible that a solid body energy to respond. But if we know the true reasons of history and science, then light up the statement at a time.
We live in an energetic universe. Our body consists of energy. Therefore, he can only respond to energy (vibrations). This explains why energy healing work has been scientifically proven and it does.
Medications are ultimately energy, but the nature of these oscillations is in contrast to healing energies anything but healthy. The only reason why medication is to create a positive effect of the vibration (energy) of faith. But even those who believe in the effect of drugs and will be healed, the associated side effects (also energy and vibrations) exposed mercilessly.
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