know that most authors who have tried to make their texts for money: There comes a point of self-doubt. My lyrics are really read? Useful? You may have even written a first feature from acclaimed book. And now the second project tortured along without really moving forward. You know you can actually write. Or at least suspect it. But something in you resists. Some call it "fear of the blank page ', some, very American,' Writers Block '. Myself, this writer's block for nearly seven years completely out of action after I told my agent in 2002, three publishers were at my script in progress shown interest. Nothing was more. Niente. Nada.
one point I had the fax thick, and I was covered with the usual literature for expectant authors. The tip that ran repeatedly through all Guide was: write, write, write. Every day no less than three pages. Easier said than done in a real writer's block. The spiral downwards. Now I was not only depressed because I did not write, but because of the pressure came to say goodbye to write about my dream because I just was not able to follow the advice of the Guild of the authors. [Felt just as confused it also :-)]
the first got in, start again, I by Dorothea Brandes " writer
Dorothea Brande published her book "writers" in 1934, and I have heard in recent years by many people who know exactly what morning pages, and how they work. 1992 attacked the former wife of Martin Scorsese, Julia Cameron, the theme of the morning pages in her book "The Artist's Way
While fire is assumed that the texts of the morning pages are on their own for longer and longer, because the authors becoming stumbled over time in the writing flow, Cameron is right at the beginning of the challenge to fill at least three sides. At some point, later in the book, is then set out in an aside that she was thinking of a notebook - so the task is not quite invincible. Experience shows, but in fact, that even three closely written pages are computer after a certain time no longer a problem - provided that the author fit in a ten-finger system. But this I can already to anyone who wants to eventually live off the letter, most warmly commend. For there is hardly anything that impedes the flow of writing more than one letter to have to individually look at the keyboard.
The mechanism behind the morning pages, has something quite surreal air about them. No wonder the Surrealists had to Max Ernst and André Breton at the time spoken by the stream of consciousness, which they by the way they wanted to way literature can break. By not filter their thoughts, the inner creativity can again River in fall - as long as the inner censor not strikes. Therefore recommend both brands, and Cameron, the morning after writing or reading is not first and certainly not vote.
What happens if one accepts this morning pages regularly? In my experience, the thoughts are actually in flux again. The confidence in the ability to express themselves in writing is growing. The writing loses its inflated status that usually leads to writer's block. I myself just got back this desire to write in public. While I used to sometimes produced in a month maybe three to five posts for this blog I wrote after I started with the morning pages, almost a daily fee. And I intend to increase production further.
In my opinion, to be all that I carried myself think, and value stated - regardless of whether it is a book is that I have read, or simply a TV report about a particular author, I for myself firmly believe in their own thoughts. That's the idea behind a blog: to fix a particular topic about which you yourself have to be collected, in writing. For me, it is precisely the theme of "books". This regular publishing helps to come out of the status of mere diarist and things formulate that others can benefit.
Back to Cameron in their "way of the artist," she has developed a twelve-week program to combat writer's block. The morning pages that they presented in the first week are only the beginning, the basis for working on their own blocks. She also asks many questions and tasks that one should guide you through the three months of internal growth.
The evangelist of Cameron's "Way of the Artist" is the way Christine Westermann, the moderator of "free room" with Götz Alsmann. At some point I have seen of her interview in which your personal Favorite book would imagine. They then told how her book has made Cameron's courage even to begin to write. Although they complained (like me) the spiritually tinged diction Cameron (not without reason that the book appeared earlier in the esoteric series at Knaur), but said that one overcome Read more about this constant calling of a God who calls us to be creative, well can. For the tips on creativity works quite well if we pay attention only to your own center and a creative flow that comes out of us.
also fire book writers are "fighting especially with the problems of writer's block, which above all for those who simply want to know more about the profession and the conditions of the writer-existence, can be frustrating. I personally burn away too formal. It assumes that many things in life is the authors' routine. If we get used to it, to write the morning pages, we can increase our creative output, as we also plan in the afternoon (or evening, depending on the choice) is a creative time. And so on. While this may work in theory, but our internal resistance can be paid no heed. Here is Cameron further clear by the expectant (or reawakening) brings artists to think about themselves, their socialization, and above all the obstacles reflect on their way. Who the psychological approach may not, however, can come about Dorothea Brande, perhaps for the same goal: to overcome writer's block.
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