My first contact with my ego was very strange, because in those days I could not do anything with that term. The ego is a part of us, the defeat to overcome it, there, taught me that time friends. The ego is to blame, why do we live a life full of restrictions and negative patterns. I followed this belief and began rebelling against the ego and tried countless products to pull away from it. Next, I learned that the goal in life, so to speak is the solution of the ego, that part of us that save us from the experience of our divine part.
If I have succeeded for me to break away from my ego? No! But I freed myself from this limited and misleading view. My own experience and Briefings of my mentors have taught me that is a better.
what in some circles, much like from that time my friends, is often preached, is the reality in fact to do about as much as jam with car tires. The fact is that the ego is not a part of us, but rather an account maintained by our approach, based on our thoughts and beliefs. In other words, it is the ego to " limited person (Patrick and Petra), for which we hold our mistake."
This concept was created according to experts 0-6 years ago when we vacuumed up everything said and seen as a sponge in our subconscious. These unconscious patterns are still running today still on - unless they were resolved with appropriate approaches. And finally, the ego is nothing but the summation of all these thoughts, beliefs and behavior patterns.
If we now try to fight the ego prefer we face our own thoughts and beliefs in the war. Energy flows where attention rests. This means in this case that we strengthen the limited concept of our self (the ego) and unnecessarily keep alive.
What is the consequence? The result is easy to see, because instead of experiencing our inner strength and solidarity, we will remove us farther and farther from our core essence. This is in no way be taken literally, because ultimately it is simply an awareness distance, but this is no less real as life itself
What is the solution? First, it is understood that it is not the goal is to move away from ego, but to recognize that the ego, a concept or filter and no problem (in part) is. Depending on which ideas is in our subconscious, it is this approach represents a (very) limited or (very) comprehensive plan or a (very) strong or (very)-permeable filter. And depending on the type of framework or filter our experience of life as an expression of harmony or limitation. The real "problem" is, therefore, to distinguish the filtrate from reality (one's own perfection), the key lies in the expansion of consciousness.
But this change in perspective can do wonders. Or is it a relief that we struggle against the ego / intellect, and can give up all?
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