As can be seen easily, the Earth is undergoing a transformation. While the media and most people on the "negative" aspects such as climate change and related weather changes, the difficult economic situation, global wars, focusing scarce resources and the threat of disease, it is my intention, the equally significant and to consider very important change in consciousness.
consciousness is more than the mind. Consciousness is what the universe holds together and has created. This awareness has many names, it is God / Universe / love / zero point field / your name. Also we are a part of this awareness and then deliberately and unconsciously our life scene. Individual consciousness varies greatly, of course, because it depends on many factors, not least of conscious contemplation, or also known as meditation. Finally, however, also reflects each era a collective consciousness, for example, in various trends, but also the economic situation, the weather and the social life is reflected. I am well aware that the statement that the collective consciousness is said to have an influence on the weather and the economy is far-fetched to many. But there are actually measuring results, which teach us right. Since 11/09/2001 we know, namely, that perceived collective horror, sadness, anger, or the like drastic fluctuations in the electromagnetic field of the earth - as a result - the so-called geomagnetic field. But was unlikely.
what changes we see in the collective consciousness of the 21 Century, or as I call it as a new consciousness? In addition to the technological progress that I find particularly worrying is the growing interest in spiritual issues as well as sensory experiences very interesting. Since the movie "The Secret" and the induced "intention wave" may be the law of resonance for many a term. Despite the wonderful intention behind this film project soon turned out that intention alone is not the desired results may occur. What some presents a big question mark, can be cleared up with simple words. A conscious decision - or intent - is just one component of the change in his life. But finally, it is not just our minds, but our Feelings and emotions that communicate with the field / universe. And right there was the hook of the doctrine of the "Secrets". Who the "luck" was that his intention and feelings coincide and then also took the right steps, found the Secret really a secret. But most people voted the intentions and feelings together in any way, which meant that life in spite of good intentions are not big changes.
The new awareness, we have access to easier ways, but this is needed in the true sense of the word of a change of consciousness. Although the collective consciousness is much higher than years ago, thus opening new doors, it does not automatically mean the extension of his own consciousness. An important point is the recognition that the intention à la Secret Doctrine is obsolete. Specifically, this means that it is the law of resonance but are definitely and we apply it in every second, but the condition instruction was erroneous. The main mistake was that we can not expect that to us the universe based on the principle "question and you shall receive" anything under Door brings.
"experts" of modern times underpin much more the importance of a new guiding principle: "Give and you shall receive." unconditional With the deal, is actually the flow of the universe supported, because it reflects an awareness of abundance. Unconditional type based on the principle but also inevitably "how can I do for others." And since we live in a holographic universe in which everything is a part of the larger whole (God / Love / Universe), is reflected in all a part of us. By unconditional Let us finally give us some words themselves with love, because we care about the other (parts of us). This new consciousness is quite different from the obsolete "I want x, then bring me x" consciousness. The latter leads to the mistaken belief that is that we, the audience of the universal action. How about John Wheeler teaches, but we are much more participants, that is, we are both giving as well as taking.
exercise for the new consciousness:
Is there anything that you get / want to have his /? Have you tried a lot of effort to achieve this goal or are you waiting frustrated for a change? Here's my tip is:
Ask yourself how you can achieve your goal by adding other people bring a benefit. Do you feel like your alone converts this awareness?
Staut your life flow? Visit to get a free copy of my e-book "5 easy steps you feel good" to download.
----------------- alanya Turkiet