Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Pokemon From Cydia

The endless struggle against the ego

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My first contact with my ego was very strange, because in those days I could not do anything with that term. The ego is a part of us, the defeat to overcome it, there, taught me that time friends. The ego is to blame, why do we live a life full of restrictions and negative patterns. I followed this belief and began rebelling against the ego and tried countless products to pull away from it. Next, I learned that the goal in life, so to speak is the solution of the ego, that part of us that save us from the experience of our divine part.

If I have succeeded for me to break away from my ego? No! But I freed myself from this limited and misleading view. My own experience and Briefings of my mentors have taught me that is a better.

what in some circles, much like from that time my friends, is often preached, is the reality in fact to do about as much as jam with car tires. The fact is that the ego is not a part of us, but rather an account maintained by our approach, based on our thoughts and beliefs. In other words, it is the ego to " limited person (Patrick and Petra), for which we hold our mistake."

This concept was created according to experts 0-6 years ago when we vacuumed up everything said and seen as a sponge in our subconscious. These unconscious patterns are still running today still on - unless they were resolved with appropriate approaches. And finally, the ego is nothing but the summation of all these thoughts, beliefs and behavior patterns.

If we now try to fight the ego prefer we face our own thoughts and beliefs in the war. Energy flows where attention rests. This means in this case that we strengthen the limited concept of our self (the ego) and unnecessarily keep alive.

What is the consequence? The result is easy to see, because instead of experiencing our inner strength and solidarity, we will remove us farther and farther from our core essence. This is in no way be taken literally, because ultimately it is simply an awareness distance, but this is no less real as life itself

What is the solution? First, it is understood that it is not the goal is to move away from ego, but to recognize that the ego, a concept or filter and no problem (in part) is. Depending on which ideas is in our subconscious, it is this approach represents a (very) limited or (very) comprehensive plan or a (very) strong or (very)-permeable filter. And depending on the type of framework or filter our experience of life as an expression of harmony or limitation. The real "problem" is, therefore, to distinguish the filtrate from reality (one's own perfection), the key lies in the expansion of consciousness.
But this change in perspective can do wonders. Or is it a relief that we struggle against the ego / intellect, and can give up all?

----------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Staut your life flow? Visit to get a free copy of my eBook "5 easy steps you feel good" to download.

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CeBIT opening: BITKOM published current market forecasts for the development of the market for consumer cloud services

published for today's opening of CeBIT the BITKOM current market forecasts on "Cloud Computing " by Experton Group. In keeping with this year's CeBIT motto "Work and Life with the cloud placed BITKOM President Prof. Dr. August-Wilhelm Scheer at today's press conference, detailed market data on Cloud Computing spending by companies and consumers in Germany.

Experton predicts that the cloud will increase sales with business customers and private consumers this year by about 55 percent to around 3.5 billion euros. By 2015, growing to 13 billion euros is to be expected and that means that 10 percent of total IT spending in Germany will account for this technology. More and more consumers take cloud services. So give this present from 1.6 billion euros, for cloud computing. In five years, these fee-based cloud services will be purchased from 45 percent of end users.

According to Prof. Dr. Scheer many people use cloud computing to be without realizing it. To save a lot of users as their calendar or address book in the cloud.

Experton Senior Advisor Dr. Carlo Velten states: "The new mobile devices, such as iPad and Smartphone, change the use and consumption patterns of millions of people internationally."
"5 years ago nobody would have thought that so many German on the web go to find partners and in 2011 for around € 150 million spend for it.

more information, visit:

Play Nazi Zombies On My Flashdrive

Godspeed Hellbound

Black and White about all ... WORLDWIDE ...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Best Big Green Egg Table Plans

vintage bags, pillows, Easter pictures and spring decorations

My last post has been a while ago, but I made a lot and the day is, unfortunately, only 24 are there now but a lot new to see. My
must Vintage Paper Bags I show you first. You can decorate the beautiful and you can stow his wonderful gifts in it.

are compatible with small trailers they do in my little shop.

Here is yet another variation on perfume and soap, but as you can see for flowers.

I have also enchanted pillows, again made a beautiful design and then applied to the pillows.

Since Easter is so soon, are also created new Easter pictures. This time very thick, firm and stable.

A little Easter bunny has ever located in my sample, and the primroses hopefully sell our foggy cold weather.

Outside, they had the cold and snow in recent days was observed.

But there were bright spots in between already, blazes in the forest at the spring.

The snowdrops are already in the forest from the Hibernation wake.

I you would like to recommend a new blog of wonder woman bag, there is plenty to see in a beautiful decoration, but also to buy. Such beautiful large eggs have you not seen yet. Anyone interested can times go shopping.

Quotes About The Importance Of A Group Motto

Lou Reed Heroin

H was never a medical problem and never will be. It is a good cough medicine
and with C you shake hands with God. The problem is always senseless laws.
and senseless people, to make them.

Error E20 On Aeg Washing Machine

Slayer - In-A-Gadda da vida

This is the kind of speed today. In the endogenous morphological field of illusion.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wrestiling Singlet For A Baby

Girl From the North Country - Lions

Global, radically. Music and art should be free, and the right to freedom of expression
. Some people throw up so always. But we are

Thursday, February 24, 2011

She Likes It When Hitting Cervix

energy and our body?

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As a Reconnective Healing Practitioner I come in contact daily with people who are interested in energy healing, but a little skeptical of the case allow. After initial experiments varied word explanations, I was recently reading a very interesting book out the answer in mind. The said book was written by Lynne McTaggart and is called The Zero Point Field: In Search of cosmic Ur-Energy The answer to When asked why so many people for their healing energy but are still interested skeptical about is the following.

Since 17 Century, our world view is based and the traditional science and medicine influential on three claims:

first Isaac Newton said that he had clarified his statement, the model answer to the question of the structure of the universe, and all. In his view, the universe consists of nothing but different Masses that move calculated according to clearly defined laws of physics in space. The human body was therefore also from different parts of an existing "machine" view, which works with the same regularity. The spirit and the soul was left completely out of the game.

second René Descartes supported Newton's world view and said that the body is one of the soul separate and independent ground. Mental aspects, according to Descartes have no effect on the body. The man himself was set to speak as a spectator in the universe and, according to Descartes and Newton, the laws of the universe exposed powerless.

third Charles Darwin formed with the observation of the animal world his theory of evolution and the motto "only the stronger survives. He was much like the other two men to popular opinion in the case that the universe consists of nothing but separate objects and people, which in turn consist of solid particles.

Since 17 Century has passed some time and scientists have gained new insights. In particular, quantum physics, but also the quantum biology, and mathematics has carefully considered the question of the structure of the universe busy. While the search is still not completed, but what is certain 100% that both Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes (and eventually Charles Darwin) were wrong and their adoption is wrong.

Newton's physics while still justified when it comes to the description of masses, movements, physiological and anatomical processes, but the question of why the body is sick, he heals, why some people in spite of adverse conditions are healthy and others can not, etc. can not be explained by this. The assumption that the universe consists entirely separate masses is wrong, just as quantum physicists could find until now no solid particles as the basic substance of the body or universe. What is certain however is that the entire universe of vibrating energy or energy packet is. This also applies to our bodies.

The assumption that no connection between the body and the soul is given, as it proclaimed Descartes has also been found to be false. Today we know that the body is actually a mirror of the soul, and that the emotional constitutions including thoughts and emotions have an enormous impact on the body. In other words, there is between the individual energy packets, or "The basic substance of the universe," a proven connection.
Academic studies show that we can perceive with our senses, just about 2% of the total energy (reality) of the universe. The remaining 98% is not included on the sensory function of the eyes, ears, tongue, nose and skin. In other words, we live in a universe of infinite dimensions and ways in which Darwin's theory of evolution turns out to be very limited. Although the individual may actually see because of his beliefs is a universe of defect, but that has nothing to do with a universally-applicable Evolutionary trend, but is a reflection of personal opinion, which of course in addition to the body affects all other aspects of life.

But these three false explanations have to do with energy healing?

still based traditional science and medicine, their approaches and explanations to this false world views. The body is still treated as a separate machine from the soul. Defective parts are removed or replaced and fights with medication. The fact that the body is not different masses, such as bones, muscles, organs and skin, but energy (parcel) is given little credence and attention.

millions of francs and euros to be spent and researchers representing their latest scientific findings in public, threatening to preserve Newton and Descartes' world view. The Keep, which leads giant exercise as the pharmaceutical industry and the media finally to the fact that the masses are still misinformed. The embossing is deep in our cells, so that gives us to understand our mind that it is hardly possible that a solid body energy to respond. But if we know the true reasons of history and science, then light up the statement at a time.

We live in an energetic universe. Our body consists of energy. Therefore, he can only respond to energy (vibrations). This explains why energy healing work has been scientifically proven and it does.

Medications are ultimately energy, but the nature of these oscillations is in contrast to healing energies anything but healthy. The only reason why medication is to create a positive effect of the vibration (energy) of faith. But even those who believe in the effect of drugs and will be healed, the associated side effects (also energy and vibrations) exposed mercilessly.

--------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Staut your life flow? Visit to get a free copy of my eBook "5 easy steps to up to feel good" to download.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ceasar Symbian Love Machine

Computerwoche published research results of Experton Group on storage-as- a-Service

The cloud computing market expands enormously. Especially the lines "Online Backup and Storage-as-a-Service" connect for Midsize and Kleinunternehem increasingly to the fore. The United States makes it before and already outsources parts of the memory requirements in the cloud. In Germany, we are still at the beginning of this development. Privacy and Security provide unease among German companies, which begrenzetes has a tender. This is why Experton Group considered this issue and analyzed provider of online storage. Compared to 13 deals with the attentions of simple storage and backup Dienste.Wesentlich is that the services available, especially in Germany, and are the centers of agency in Germany, or at least in the European Union. Another important criterion is the possibility of the service in euro as currency to settle accounts. The analysis, which is part of a larger cloud vendors comparison is ( Cloud Vendor Benchmark 2011 "), these and other aspects such as usability, transparency of the offer and safety compared.

The full article can be found at:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Blueprints For Balsa Wood Bridges

Computerwoche webcast with Microsoft on 2/24/2011

In Computer Week Webcast on Feb 24, 2011 is Jochen Katz , Senior Product Manager Hosted Cloud at Microsoft, Christian Schmidt , CEO of WEBMAXX and Dr. Carlo Velten , Senior Advisor Experton Group, the question is: Microsoft hosting which provide cloud services at your fingertips? discussed. The central themes are available around the area "Hosted Cloud." In this context, Microsoft presented with the "Dynamic Data Center Toolkit" another step towards simplified cloud hosting. Furthermore, aspects such as using Trends "," Scenarios for operating models "or" benefits for partners and customers "are discussed.

The webcast will take place on Thursday 24
February 11 clock

More information and registration:

Reinstatement Letter For College Example

When is NOW the right time?

Top Blogs

The right time is critical. That, at least we think people and often spend days, months or even lifetime of waiting for the right time. But when is now the right time? If you have more time to have more money, your ideal weight have achieved, have more energy, are moved, your relationship have finished, have a new job, the weather improves, the economy recovers, ...?

Most love their explanations and excuses as to why now is not the right moment. Actually, it is also an individual matter, if only they would not attract so many negative consequences. We live in a perfectly organized universe.

NOW is the only time that is real. NOW is therefore the only correct time.

When you get to know a person when you a chance opened, if you could benefit from a service, book, or discover Workshop, etc., this shows that the universe is paving the way for you. In other words, whenever something happens that is exactly the right time. At least as far as the natural flow of the universal organization.

But we humans understand obstacles and excuses to invent a penny. "It would be a great thing, but actually my current job is not so bad. No, really happy I'm not, but ultimately I'm not the youngest. I would be healed so much, but I lack at the moment just the money. " Certainly have you yourself ever experienced a similar situation and similar explanations and excuses invented. It does not matter how driftig the reasons were or how many proofs you have. everything you've invented!

The time for change, healing, new challenge, workshop participation, investment, etc., ALWAYS now is the right one.

Of course I'm speaking of synchronicity and not logically reasoned arguments as to why now is the appropriate or inappropriate moment is something to do or not do. Synchronicity means that adjusted opportunities and doors open, that you may not even counted. Synchronicity means that a strong grasp a step forward feel adventurous. Synchronicity does not mean that you wait passively to share the oceans, all of a sudden a million in your bank account or ringing your soul mate with you.

synchronicity is based on the fact that right now, where you a new opportunity opens up, the time is right, and is recognized by the conscious and attentive life.

What opportunities and offers you have opened recently? Which of these you can have rebuffed with well-decorated excuses? What did you just in the here and now implemented in the knowledge that it is not an oversight, but a good thoughtful, universal providence?

course, I count myself in certain situations and excuses for a sensational artist, and I must say that I feel since my return link difficult not to follow my inner voice. If we did not grab an opportunity must not always have disastrous consequences, but what is certain for sure is that we can stop by our personal development. And this can be quite unpleasant.

The more opportunities we currently, the more we experience the natural flow of life. And that is something that some of us do.

Staut your life flow? Visit to get a free copy of my eBook "5 easy steps to up to feel good" to download.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tight Congestive Cough

Do we live in world of objective?

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Have you ever wondered whether or not we live in an objective or subjective universe? In other words, do you believe that your life is influenced predominantly by outside influences such as dealing with difficult situations, rude people, illnesses, fate or genetic disposition? If so, do you feel empowered by such a world view?
I'd like to introduce you to a new concept of thought and perspective. What if the world we are living in wasn't objective at all? What if our reality was a direct consequence of our inner states, such as our thoughts, feelings, emotions? In fact, there's powerful evidence that this might just be the case. And traces of it you certainly have experienced for yourself.

Most of us brought up in the Western world are trained in the same way. We are confronted with a negative situation, which causes negative results and accumulates in us feeling bad, upset or angry. The same is true about the diagnosis of an illness. The doctor tells us that we are dealing with a very severe case and that the symptoms are such and such, causing our bodies and lives to be affected in such and such manners. As a result of the disease and the corresponding symptoms we feel bad, sad, anxious, depressed, and so forth.

Trained patterns (feeding the illusion of living in an objective world):

Neg. Event/Situation ----> Neg. consequences ----> Neg. feelings
Disease/Diagnosis ----> Symptoms ----> Neg. thoughts and feelings

The above mentioned perspective is VERY limited and outmoded. Think about it! How many people believe in some sort of Higher Power, but at the same time live life as if this Higher Power was some sort of punishing God. That's ridiculous or at least you would have to ask yourself the question why you believe in such a demeaning power! In my own experience, the source of our Universe (whatever you want to call it) is in no way evil. Its pure essence eventually just squarely and fairly mirrors our own beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions. I know, it's a hard pill to swallow. But bare with me because once it dissolves, a whole new perspective opens up.

In fact, we have a choice to make respectively choose our own subjective view on every subject in life. Let's go back to the earlier mentioned example of encountering a situation/event in life. Every situation/event is per se neutral. What gives it a positive or negative spin is our own attribution. Depending on our attribution or thoughts for that matter, positive or negative feelings are created.

Subjective Universe (reminding us of the truth: we are living in a subjective universe):

Event/Situation <-----> Our attribution/thoughts (pos./neg.) <-----> Our feelings (pos./neg.)
Disease/Diagnosis <-----> Our attribution/thoughts (pos./neg.) <-----> Our feelings (pos./neg.) <-----> Effect of symptoms/progression of symptoms

Now, I am not saying that choosing your thoughts and attributions is necessarily easy to do. But what's important to take away is the fact that WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE OUR THOUGHTS AND ATTRIBUTION IN EVERY MOMENT. There's a powerful quote by a man named Viktor Frankl (author of 'Man's search for meaning') who survived a Nazi camp in Germany stating that he realized that the only thing that cannot be taken from us is our freedom to choose our attitude in every given moment in life, which he attributes to his survival. Let that sink for a moment.

What's the conclusion? The next time you deal with a situation, stop for a second before you blindly consider it negative merely due to past experiences, your trained beliefs or the opinion of others. Recognize that you have a choice: the choice to make the best of the situation or to doom it negative.

In either case, there are immediate consequences which in no way differ from your own perspective/your own thoughts and attributions: choose a negative attribution/thoughts and you will feel uncomfortable or choose a positive attribution/thoughts and you will feel empowered. As the arrows below indicate, your thoughts and feelings always have a direct effect on the outcome of every situation, relationship, illness, etc.

Empowering patterns:

Event/Situation <-----> choose a pos. attribution/thoughts <------> Pos. feelings <------> pos. outcomes

Disease/Diagnosis  <-----> choose a pos. attribution/thoughts <------> Pos- feelings <------> pos. outcomes

I have to admit that choosing your thoughts and feelings is more complex than writing a few inspiring words and drawing some arrows. But I sincerely hope that you are getting the essence of it:
There are no neg. situation or diagnosis that cause us to feel bad. It's our thoughts and attributions to a situation that cause our feelings, which create our perceived (subjective) reality. Choose positive thoughts and attributions and your feelings and your reality change.

Visit to download a free copy of my ebook "5 easy steps to feel good" today.

Palacasino Bus Transportation

Judas Priest - worth fighting for

The struggle is the father of all things.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Good Job For Someone Wanting To Be A Paramedic

CLAWFINGER - Prisoners

The system has no code of honor.

Chocolate Cockroaches Feces

asteroid impact

is what happens when irfgendwelche "butts" Add or take the name of my friends.

What Can You Use For Lighter Fluid

Asteroid impact on Earth

Baby English Cricket Shirt

Pantera-The Art Of Shredding

Friday, February 18, 2011

Turn Into A Dragon Spells

Our jurisdiction is the toughest

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I am not talking about the jurisdiction of my country, but our personal jurisdiction. I am sure you are familiar with the fact that feelings of guilt can have fatal consequences for our health, relationships, finances and other areas of life. Do you know why? The answer is actually very simple. When someone breaks a law, he's guilty and will therefore be prosecuted. In other words, being sentenced precedes being punished. This system is also deeply ingrained in our personal lives, because we abide to certain personal and societal rules. If we feel that we broke any of these rules, we sentence and ultimately punish ourselves. The problem is that our own sentences are hardly ever ethical. Instead, we condemn ourselves in ways that even shock politicians.

Here's an example from my own life. Six years ago, I had the chance to spend five months training in Florida to prepare for the upcoming competition season. My main sponsor was my dad. During my stay, it didn't cross my mind once that I was spending my dad's money. But as I realized later, it triggered a strong feeling of guilt. Only recently, I've become aware that this feeling had been strongly influencing my life to this very day, solely because I found myself guilty and (unconsciously) kept accusing myself of breaking some personal rule/law. For more than six years I kept myself in a self-imposed prison by turning things around: I borrowed some money from my dad which I had to repay.

Yes, yes, I know, some may call this karma, which might be the case. But my karma wasn't triggered by my living and training in Florida for five months using my dad's money, but was the immediate consequence of my own (subconscious) feeling of guilt. My dad had never felt that I had carelessly used his credit card nor did he ever criticize or accuse me. It was the works of my own jurisdiction.

The only question that remains is: Is six years of being imprisoned in a self-imposed prison an ethical sentence in this case? NO, of course not. That was the final conclusion I reached and I decided to release myself to freedom.

The reason, why I'm sharing this very personal example with you is to show you that we all play the role of very unreasonable judges in our own lives.

And now it's your turn:

Ask yourself in what ways you may find yourself guilty and don't let your (ego) mind mislead you (if there wasn't any guilt involved, you'd live happily ever after). Think back to a situation, relationship or anything that you may have said or done (as I have illustrated in my example, it doesn't have to be anything serious, because we are masters at prosecuting ourselves even if we're innocent).

Once you've uncovered a sentence, it's time to look at the corresponding punishment. How did you punish yourself? Stay with me, because you know all the answers. After all, you are the judge and executioner!
Is this sentence reasonable? I am sure it isn't. Then finally set yourself free!