What is the role of consciousness?
All people talk about the awareness, conscious living, consciousness expansion, etc. But why consciousness is so central? Conscious living means eating healthily and get enough exercise? Or conscious people respect nature, wildlife and their fellow man more than an unconscious man? Does an expansion of consciousness to greater health, wealth and happiness?
The answer to all questions above, that consciousness is actually the cause of all the examples. But if we will speak of consciousness or mind expansion, it never to "better" or "worse". Follow this trend, however, many people. Whether the erroneous impression that people are better than their conscious unconscious fellow citizens or that an expansion of consciousness and an enlightened state, all the problems away from life. The role of consciousness is decorated according to their own awareness colorful.
Quantum physics talks in connection with awareness of the creative essence of the universe. Maybe our reality is constructed by consciousness or attention itself considering the consciousness from this perspective, it becomes clear at once that consciousness never been better or worse, but always simple "To be" possibly can. In other words, it is the expansion of consciousness is not better to attaining a higher level in the interest of, or worse, but the fact that the central role of consciousness is perceived consciously.
What is the central role of consciousness? simple terms one can describe the consciousness as the glue that holds together all the circumstances. Contrary to popular opinion, we However, strictly speaking, no consciousness, but are consciousness.
I see this awareness as well like a pane of glass, with a dirty glass and a limited awareness of a clean disk an expanded state of consciousness equivalent. If a man lives unconsciously, he describes himself and his life through a very dirty window. In other words, it occurs to him / her difficult to recognize the connections in life. He / she feels like a dud or victims of any unrecognized influences. Specifically, can these health problems, relationship difficulties, financial hardships, and so on. This state keeps us in check and prevents us from recognizing the reality than that what it really is. Instead, we interpret the reactions of other people and influences of our situation by dirty glass.
conscious people recognize themselves and their lives, depending on the level of consciousness are distinguished by a less polluted or highly polished glass. This perspective allows the identification of the true relationships, a sense of control, clarity and inner connectedness. Rather than waste away as the victim of this perspective allows us to accept the true facts and our central role in the creation process. The view through a clear pane leads us clearly remember that our lives not by external influences, but is shaped our inner attitude towards external influences.
By far the smallest group of humanity does not look only through a clear glass pane, but also enjoys an ever-increasing angle. Life window expands to a huge picture window. The result is an even more conscious and more comprehensive knowledge of his own creative activity. There are no boundaries between "that I take responsibility and take me from here, definitely not to blame for everything." Life will always more than a perfect-house recognized and managed.
These developments are dependent on many factors, it is never the current situation or congenital handicaps. It depends solely and only on whether a person is willing to accept full responsibility for his / her life. Of course, the initial, individual level of consciousness can be embossed in early life, so be pronounced differently, but that's no excuse, not an obstacle to clean the disk's life and to enlarge.
How to clean disc and extend your life? Here are my Top 3 list:
first Meditation
second Conscious observation of thoughts and feelings
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